Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Training programme provides innovative research-based practices of how and why to include, learn and teach Education for Sustainable Development in schools.
Become a proactive and transformative agent of Education for Sustainable Development!
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Training Information
- Start immediately. Learning materials are accessible straight away.
- Beginner/intermediate level. Recommended for all level and subject teachers, school leaders and principals.
- 100% Online. Study at your own pace.
- You will need approximately 20 hours to complete full training. (No live sessions)
- Taught in English by Dr. Marianne Juntunen.
Training fee: 59€ (+ VAT in EU) per participant.
What is ESD?
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is still mostly unknown and unused in schools around the world, yet it is a SDG 4.7 and its implementation is urgent!
The 2030 Agenda ensures all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles by the year 2030. Therefore all educational institutions must consider it their responsibility to foster sustainable development in the world. Education and training will play a key role in this sustainability transition.
Schools and educational establishments have a crucial role to play in renewing the mindsets, skills, values and meanings required for sustainable development.
Apply Education for Sustainable Development Effectively
This ESD training is suitable for all level and subject teachers. The training will increase their motivation and confidence to apply ESD in a fun way and support students’ 21st century skills!
Why should school leaders and principals join Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Training?
ESD training programme will provide school leaders the knowledge and tools to develop their own institutions as proactive and transformative agents of Education for Sustainable Development.
What is Included?
- Training programme resources and materials
- Discussions and support through the platform
- 1 written assignment (School leaders design a school ESD action plan and teachers design an ESD lesson plan)
- The training programme will culminate in receiving personal feedback and improvement suggestions on the assignment.
- Bonus: Education in Finland – learn about classroom management and lesson planning in Finland.
- Certificate
Additional benefits:
- Personal and/or school presentation on EduGems social media
- Case/blog page of successful implementation of action plan
- Chance to participate in future webinars as a presenter.
Topics and schedule
Week 1: “Discovery Gem”:
– Welcome and introduction
– Let’s start with concepts, challenges and opportunities
– Why is there an urgent need for implementing ESD to education?
Week 2: “Action Gem”:
– How to plan ESD teaching?
– Multidisciplinary STEAM learning and Transversal competences in Finland
– Why are Action Competence skills important?
Week 3: “Collaboration Gem”:
– What kind of approaches could ESD in schools involve?
– Eco-emotions and Futures thinking
– Learn to design an ESD lesson plans.
Week 4: “Time to implement ESD”:
– Catch up on your studies.
– Work on your written assignment.
– Submit a written assignment by the assigned date for review and feedback.
Bonus materials:
– Education in Finland – lesson planning and classroom management
– How is it to live and teach in Lapland, Finland
– E-book
You will receive your course certificate once the written assignment is approved by our team, usually within 3-4 working days.
Meet your instructor
Founder, Pedagogical Director, ESD Consultant
Marianne Juntunen is Dr. in Chemistry Education, M. Sc. in Chemistry and Mathematics education, M.Sc. in Technical microbiology, and was awarded for being the most Innovative Science Teacher in Finland in 2016.
EduGems training programmes have a solid research base; they are based on EduGems curriculum, which has been developed using models such as Palmer’s (1998) tree model of environmental education, the bicycle model of climate education (Cantell et al., 2019) and the European Green Comp framework for sustainability education (Bianchi et al., 2022). In addition, the Finnish Basic Education Curriculum (2014) and the best practices of teachers were collected in the doctoral thesis of Dr. Juntunen (2015), complemented by the latest research findings in the field.
The course produced by: EduGems Finland
Recommended online courses and trainings to combine with this course: B1 Cornerstones of Finnish education, B6 Educational Approaches in Finland – “Teach like Teachers in Finland!”, and S1 Introduction to Finnish STEAM education.
Walaa Aldebal –
The experience of Finland is one of the most important educational experiences in education in the world. I gained good experience from the information provided in the introduction course Education for Sustainable Development, especially sustainable development methods and interdisciplinary learning.
Walaa Aldebal, Teacher from Syria
johanna.jarvinen-taubert –
This course truly represents the modern 21st century pedagogy and Finnish educational expertise. It is a pure joy to follow a course that is based on scientific research and trainer’s own experience as a teacher. I warmly recommend this course to anyone interested in sustainable development in education!
Johanna Järvinen-Taubert
Pedagogical Director
Learning Scoop, Finland
Ms Shraddha Rajak –
The course has been very informative and eye-opening to me. It is obvious to me now the urgency and the benefits of implementing a holistic approach to Chemistry teaching. It has truly inspired me to continue studying this topic.
Ms Shraddha Rajak
Asmita English School
Zainab Mansoory, Apple Green Private School, Oman –
I believe in order to make this work, drastic changes need to be made. These changes come from the top of the hierarchy. If passionate teachers (& I highlight the word passionate) are educated about the matter, if the awareness is there then surely it will get passed down to students slowly but surely. I also believe consistency is key here. ESD isn’t a one off thing. It needs to be consistently taught, revised and implemented for results.
Personally speaking, I would want to teach them the importance of saving food and water especially during a day and age where poverty still exists around the world.
Vasile Alecsandri Theoretical Lyceum, Moldova –
Our team is in the process of implementing the STEAM activities provided in the course. We have had a great experience providing the first and the second lesson. The age of the pupils and the forms we have chosen are: 3rd form ( age 9-10), 5-th form ( age 11-12) 7th form ( age 14-15). At the lessons, Science, Chemistry and Biology subjects teachers were invited to cooperate. We made a real boom in our school showing another aspect of education, education that really matters for our future. Parents are impressed by the motivation of their kids searching and exploring information about the materials, how they are used and what the reason is for the raw materials.
Ivan Dorjee Lepcha, Paljor Namgyal Girls’ School –
Going through the modules was an eye opener in many sense. Starting form how we become a better teacher and how we can develop a positive environment in the classroom and the enormous responsibility of shaping a future generation to be more sensitive towards global issues. Knowing about the educational system in Finland – the aspects like free education, non-competitiveness, activity-based learning and assessment for learning were key takeaways and we shall try to adopt some in our classes. We realised that there are many ill-practices in India that have become a sort of ‘norm’ but this course has made us realise that they have a much greater negative impact and should be addressed / educated as soon as possible. At present, environmental education is a separate subject in most schools here in India but in this course we have learned that the ESD can be integrated by every teacher in his/her lesson. This itself would be the top priority of our project goal.
Roland Giba Babila, Cameroon –
I felt liberated as some of my colleagues have been questioning my teaching style since it doesn’t look like their traditional way.
As per the time I took to complete the training, I took about one month. I am sorry that I cannot give the number of hours. I benefited from the fact that my school is on break and I could concentrate on the training. My students will return to meet a transformed teacher.
Hilda Bisona Sama, Cameroon –
I feel renewed, reformed and enriched by this course. I’ll start the new academic year fully enriched with great skills and techniques to help in the teaching-learning process.
No exactly sure how many hours it took for me to complete this course but i know it took a couple of weeks – say 2 -3 weeks.
Thanks so much EduGems for this great course. Looking forward to more courses from EduGems.
Tania M.Hodges – Teacher, Cambodia –
This course has enabled me to discover the importance of sustainability and not only focus on 21st century learning but instead to work on solutions that will benefit the generations to come to solve at least some aspects of the wicked problems in the modern world.
Dr. Juntunen is doing a phenomenal job by educating and creating awareness of sustainability amongst educators.
Vasile Alecsandri Theoretical Lyceum – group of teachers, Moldova –
We learned and clarified many educational concepts such as Holistic and Inquiry-based Education for Sustainable Development, we understood that very simple actions can bring big impact on both students and teachers. It is worth gaining a deep understanding of STEAM, ESD and 21st century skills. Attending this training anyone can pick up best practices in pedagogical field.
The material is well structured and diverse (audio, video, PDF files, links). This makes the learning an active and engaging process. More than that, the discussions threads is the best way to demonstrate understanding and to share experience. The nice Introduction videos welcome and motivate. It is a bit time consuming but worthy!
Paljor Namgyal Girls’ School – group of teachers, India –
Going through the modules 1 and 2 was an eye opener in many sense. Starting form how we become a better teacher and how we can develop a positive environment in the classroom and the enormous responsibility of shaping a future generation to be more sensitive towards global issues. Knowing about the educational system in Finland – the aspects like free education, non-competitiveness, activity-based learning and assessment for learning were key takeaways and we shall try to adopt some in our classes. We realised that there are many ill-practices in India that have become a sort of ‘norm’ but this course has made us realise that they have a much greater negative impact and should be addressed / educated as soon as possible. At present, environmental education is a separate subject in most schools here in India but in this course we have learned that the ESD can be integrated by every teacher in his/her lesson. This itself would be the top priority of our project goal.
ESD is not taught properly in most teacher -training programs. So we highly recommend that every teacher must go through modules like this to give a better perspective of his/her teaching.
Colegio Stratford – group of teachers, Mexico –
We consider it essential that this information should be known to as many educators as possible. The way of teaching in Finland has inspired us because in the region where we live (Mexico) education is far from this model. We stick with their DNA and share their values, we admire their nature and the work they have accomplished so far.
Raju Baral – Teacher, Nepal –
The training is an eye-opener for teaching with ESD approach as well as it has been tested by time through research. It also has opened the doors to learn how Finnish education are leading ahead from everyone. I truly would recommend that every educators should go for this training.
Bee Tin Teoh – Teacher, Malaysia –
Thank you so much to give us such a wonderful learning experience. I came from Malaysia, studying and living in Australia, somehow I found there is something wrong with the school system. Then I went back and started my own academy in my country where I focused more on students’ autonomous independent learning style, I received not a very welcoming respond. Until I learned from your first module, my approach sits very well in the Finland national education framework. Having to say that, there are still elements in my teaching approach that I need to fine tune them. I am in peace and I am very happy with what I am striving for. Words cannot express how much I felt about this program and landed in this program. Keep up the good work and together we bring change to the planet.
Team RESPSCI of Rizal Experimental Station and Pilot School of Cottage Industries -Philippines –
At first, we were so excited about the program knowing that ESD is a new strategy and unused in schools worldwide, yet it ensures the skills and knowledge that encourages sustainability, in schools, particularly. During the training, we learned new things, particularly about the teaching approach, which focuses on improving students’ attitudes toward sustainability. As we move forward, we respect the feelings of those who are affected or concerned about the effects of global climate change. We express our varied emotions about what is happening to our environment through eco-emotions, and we uplift ourselves by considering how we can help and become superheroes for our planet.
Climate change and sustainability science are ‘wicked problems’ with no one optimal or clear answer, but the EduGem enlightens us that we may provide something in our homes, school, and community to decrease the impact of all these wicked problems and improve it gradually. The challenge is on us as teachers to figure out how to incorporate some solutions to our various environmental challenges into our class discussions.
Moreover, what we like about this training program is that obviously, it was well- planned and well-organized. Since Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is new to most of the representatives, the training program is well introduced through different platforms such as video clips, digitized reading materials, and virtual presentations, specifically through the founder and ESD Consultant, Dr. Marianne Juntunen. In addition to that, what made the training program more convenient is that each section in the course is set to respective dates to when it must be accomplished. This idea really helped our team, as teachers perse, to work on it is each specific date. EduGems, maraming salamat at mabuhay!”
Vasile Alecsandri Theoretical Lyceum – group of teachers –
We learned and clarified many educational concepts such as Holistic and Inquiry-based Education for Sustainable Development, we understood that very simple actions can bring big impact on both students and teachers. It is worth gaining a deep understanding of STEAM, ESD and 21st century skills. Attending this trainning anyone can pick up best practices in pedagogical field.
The material is well structured and diverse (audio, video, PDF files, links). This makes the learning an active and engaging process. More than that, the discussions threads is the best way to demonstarte understanding and to share experience. The nice Introduction videos welcome and motivate. It is a bit time consuming but worthy!