Would you like to upgrade your professional skills in early childhood education with top-notch ideas and models? Are you interested to take part in a top-class professional development program for early childhood educators? Let us introduce you a PD program for kindergarten teachers!
Finnish early childhood education (ECE) is known to promote children’s balanced growth, happiness, and well-being and to provide excellent learning skills. Now you have a chance to dive into Finnish early childhood education excellence and learn how to develop your work as an ECE educator – the Finnish way!
This Professional development program for early childhood educators is designed by accomplished Finnish early childhood education experts. It consists of five different modules, five inspiring online courses, learning assignments, possibility to ask questions from Finnish early childhood education experts on board chat, and own development plan and feedback from Finnish early childhood education experts. After completing this professional development program, you will get a certificate.
PD program for kindergarten teachers
The program gives you better understanding of early childhood education and care (ECEC) as an integral part of a person’s lifelong learning path and well-being. In addition, the program familiarizes you with the scientific background and rationale behind ECEC action and quality teaching-learning practices. It gives you an insight of the best Finnish pedagogical practices and how to apply them in your everyday work. Moreover, the program prepares you for further development of your working approach, methods, and practices in order to create pedagogically sound and meaningful action.
The contents of the program include for example the cornerstones and key principles of Finnish education, the purpose and mission of the Finnish early childhood education and care (ECEC), educare model, ECEC based on the child’s individual needs, support systems, co-operation with families, a child’s individual ECEC plan as an action plan etc. Furthermore, several specialized programs for promoting personal-socio-emotional skills, physical education and outdoor learning, ecological and sustainable development, cultural and language awareness, and digital learning are introduced.
Special attention is paid to pedagogy in kindergarten: how to promote young children’s learning in practice, developmental milestones of young children and their implications for learning and teaching, diverse working methods in Finnish ECEC, learning through play, physical, social and psychological dimensions of the learning environment, small group pedagogy, examples of playful educational activities, how to design pedagogically smart lessons or educational activities for young children etc.
To support your own professional learning goals there is a possibility to ask questions from Finnish early childhood education experts on board chat. By completing your own personal development plan and getting feedback from Finnish early childhood education experts you will be able to apply the new skills and knowledge to your work. You will also get a Learning Scoop’s certificate after completing the program.
In this professional development program, you will gain a well-balanced package of theoretical insights and practical adaptable models in order to advance early childhood education practices in your work. Join this PD program for kindergarten teachers and increase happiness and joy of learning for the children in your kindergarten!